помогите пожалуйста.

Put each of the following words in the correct space of the passage bellow.

staff primary school
terms play school
pupils learn
compulsory start mixed
Bobby’s parents decided to sent him to a (a)______ when he was three. They wanted him to (b)______ to play with other children. In Britain children must, by law, (c)______ school at the age of five. Education is (d)_____ from then. Bobby’s first real school was the (e)______. There are three (f)_____ a year and holidays at Christmas, Easter and summer. The (g)____ are boys and girls together, so it’s a (h)_____ school. The teacher on the (i)_____ are young and friendly. Bobby likes the school.

secondary school subjects
take special
state school marks
private school pass fail
Sally has just started her new school at the age of 11. There are different kinds of school from this age, but the general term for them is (a)_____. Sally’s school is a government school. Usually called a (b)____. Some parents pay to send their children to a (c)______. At first Sally will take a lot of different (d)_____ (History, English, Chemistry, etc.) but, after a few years, she’ll begin to (e)_____ in things she is good at and interested in. Then she’ll (f)_____ some exams. If she can (g)____ a number of exams with good (h)_____ (A,B,C), it will help her to get a good job. Of course she hopes she doesn’t (i)____.


Ответ дал: VictoriaAngl
a. school.
b. learn.
c. start.
d. compulsory.
e. primary school.
f. terms.
g. pupils.
h. mixed.
i. staff. 

a. secondary school.
b. state school.
c. private school.
d. subjects.
e. specialise.
f. take.
g. pass.
h. mark.
i. fail. 
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