Задание №4 Вставьте в предложение a or an.

Can I have____ sandwich and___ orange? I work in_____ hotel for____ hour in the evenings. This is_____ umbrella and this is___ bag. They have_____ radio and____ CD player. She's_____ actress and I'm___ hairdress­er. There is_____ apple and___ cup of coffee on the table.

7.    Is there____ stadium in your area?

8.    My father is___ engineer. He is___ good engineer.

9.    My aunt has got__ monkey and___ cow at home.

10. James Cook was___ explorer.


Ответ дал: marsyu

Can I have a sandwich and an orange? I work in a hotel for a  hour in the evenings. This is an umbrella and this is a bag. They have a radio and  CD player. She's an  actress and I'm a hairdress­er. There is an apple and a  cup of coffee on the table.

7.    Is there a stadium in your area?

8.    My father is an engineer. He is a  good engineer.

9.    My aunt has got a  monkey and a cow at home.

10. James Cook was an  explorer.

Ответ дал: KatrinaHelper
a sandwich, an orange, a hotel, a hour, an umbrella, a bag, a radio, a CD player, an actress, a hairdress-er, an apple, a cup.
A stadium, an engineer, a good engineer, a monkey, a cow, an explorer.
Если английское слово начинается на согласную букву, то пишется "a", а если оно начинается на гласную-пишется "an".
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