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Я хочу вам рассказать о своей любимой фотографии.Она была сделана на сенокосе. Меня сфотографировала моя мама,когда я сидела на стоге сена. Я была одета в сарофан . я была очень счастлива в тот момент. С тех пор прошло много времени,но я до сих пор помню тот день.Я люблю эту фотографию,потому что когда смотрю на неё,возникает ощущение лета которое я провела в деревне.


Ответ дал: tatyanasmuseno
I would like to tell you about my favorite photo. It has been made during the haymaking. I was photographed by my mother when I sat on a haystack. I have been dressed in a sundress. I was very happy at that moment. Since then there has passed a lot of time, but I still remember that day. I like this photo,  because when I look at it, there is a feeling of summer , which I have carried out in the village.
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
I would like to tell you about my favourite photo. It was made in the hayfield. I was photographed by my mother when I sat on a haystack. I was dressed in a sundress. I was very happy at that moment. Since then much time has passed, but I still remember that day. I like this photo, because when I look at it, it reminds me of summer , which I have spent in the country (in the village)

maksimmaksim67: Спасибо))
Juliyasha11: Welcome :)
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