Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense (types of conditionals).
1. If I were you, I … (call) the police. 2. If he … (drive) more carefully, he wouldn't have crashed the car. 3. I won't go to the party unless you … (come) with me. 4. If she hadn't left the door open, the cat … (not/run away). 5. If you … (see)
Bill, can you ask him to call me? 6. If I … (have) enough money, I'd buy a computer. 7. Unless you apologize, Margaret … (not/forgive) you. 8. If they … (not/rob) the bank, the police wouldn't have sent them to prison. 9. If it … (rain), we won't go to the park. 10. If I had known about their business plans, I … (tell) you. 11. If you go to Cairo, you … (see) the Pyramids.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. If I were you, I WOULD CALL the police.

2. If he HAD DRIVEN more carefully, he wouldn't have crashed the car.

3. I won't go to the party unless you COME with me.

4. If she hadn't left the door open, the cat WOULDN'T HAVE RUN AWAY.

5. If you SEE Bill, can you ask him to call me?

6. If I HAD enough money, I'd buy a computer.

7. Unless you apologize, Margaret WON'T FORGIVE you.

8. If they HADN'T ROBBED the bank, the police wouldn't have sent them to prison.

9. If it RAINS, we won't go to the park.

10. If I had known about their business plans, I WOULD HAVE TOLD you.

11. If you go to Cairo, you WILL SEE the Pyramids.

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