Раскройте скобки ---> French is (difficult) in the world.
Раскройте скобки ---> Tokyo is (big) city.
Раскройте скобки ---> She is (good) in the class.
Раскройте скобки ---> She is (good) than he.
Раскройте скобки ---> Her work is (bad) than my work.
Раскройте скобки ---> Her work is (bad) in the world.


Ответ дал: tatyanasmuseno
French is the most difficult in the world.
Tokyo is the biggest city.
She is the best in the class.
She is better than he.
Her work is worse than my work.
Her work is the worst in the world.
Ответ дал: SugaBlue
French is the most difficult in the world.
Tokyo is the biggest city.
She is the best in the class.
She is better than he.
Her work is worse than my work.
Her work is the worst in the world.
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