Помогите пожалуйста:
Put these sentences into Passive Voice:
1) They have made this film in Hollywood.
2) They have invited us to have dinner with them at Ritz Hotel.
3) They are destroying the old bridge.
4) The professor is asking the student.
5) The doctor is examining the patient.
6) His aunt is instructing him now.
7) They were building a bridge when I came op to them.
8) He was examining a student when she came in.
9) They were washing cars.
10) They using sharp tools when I came in.
11) Everybody laughed at her.


Ответ дал: bela200473
1)This film has been made in Hollywood by them.
2) We have been invited to have dinner at Ritz Hotel.
3)The old bridge are destroyed by them.
4) The student is asked by the professor.
5)The patient is examined by the doctor.
6)He is instructed by his aunt.
7)The bridge was built by them.
8)A student was examined by him.
9)Cars were washed by them.
10)Sharp tools are used by them.(не уверенна)
11) She was laughed by everybody.(не уверенна)
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