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Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

Mr Brown........(work) in a sckool.He......(teach)English.Sometimes he......(go) to work on Saturdays,too.He.......(like)his job and he ....(be) a good teacher.His students ........(love) him.
John .......(ride) a bike well but he ........(not/ride) a horse.His sister .....(be) good at horse-riding.She ......(go) riding eveng day.She .....(have) a white horse.Its name ....(be) Snowy


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 works 2 teaches 3 goes 4 likes 5 is 6 love 7 rides 8 doesn't ride 9 is 10 goes 11 has 12 is

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