Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. Did you like our … ? A. journey B. travel 2. I have hurt the … of my right hand. A. fingers B. toes 3. He is a … of this bank. A. customer B. client 4. I was afraid of my own … . A. shade B. shadow 5. Don’t allow … to come in. A. strangers B. guests 6. … is the form of literature. A. Poem B. Poetry 7. Will you … in the concert? A. take part B. take place 8. Look! The sky is … . A. clear B. clean 9. Is it the … of the town? A. centre B. middle


Ответ дал: namesmark
1. journey
2. fingers
3. client
4. shadow
5. strangers
6. poetry
7. take part
8. clear
9. centre
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