Помогите составить хвостики! There are lots of places visit in Moscow,.......... London isn't like Moscow at all,.......... Liza lives not far from London,............ The weather is changing,.............. We'll arrange a date and time tomorrow,........... Last summer holiday Jack went abroad,...........


Ответ дал: шкипер28

1) aren't there

2)is it

3) doesn't she

4)isn't it

5)won't we

6)din't he











Ответ дал: Alamina

There are lots of places visit in Moscow, aren't there? London isn't like Moscow at all, is it? Liza lives not far from London , doesn't she? The weather is changing, isn't it? We'll arange a date and time tomorrow, won't we? Last summer holiday Jack went abroad, didn't he? Предлагаю такое решение. Знаю что если предложение утвердительное, то хвостик будет отрицательным как в первом предлоржении, а если отрицательное, то хвостик положительный . Посмотри ещё правило

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