5 речень питальних і 5 заперечених на was were


Ответ дал: Good200567
Were you doing your homework ?
Was he playing football ?
Was she plant threes ?
you got any bottles?
Were you playing computer games?

Good200567: You weren't doing your homework
Good200567: He wasn't playing football
Good200567: She wasn't plant threes
Good200567: You weren't got any bottles
Good200567: You weren't playing computer games
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Was he at home yesterday?
Were we at school yesterday?
Was she at work yesterday?
Were they in the park last week?
Were you at the airport last month?
I wasn`t at home yesterday.
We weren`t at school yesterday.
She wasn`t at work last month.
He wasn`t in the office last week.
You weren`t in London last year.
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