Complete these sentences
Example:Omar lives in Astana. He (live) in Astana since September. He has been living in Astana since September.
a)I know my friend. I ____ (know) him/her for a long time.
b) My friend is learning German. He ____ (learn) for 5 weeks.
c) I have a car. I ____ (have) this car for a year.
d) It*s raining. It ___ (rain) since this morning.
e) My friend is watching TV. he/she ____ (watch) for an hour.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
a)I know my friend. I have known him/her for a long time.
b) My friend is learning German. He has been learning it for 5 weeks.
c) I have a car. I have had this car for a year.
d) It's raining. It has been raining since this morning.
e) My friend is watching TV. He/she has been watching it for an hour.
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