1)Columbs: 'Is this the right way to India?'
Columbs asked if it was the right way to India.
2) Buzz Aldrin to Neil Arm string: 'Can you go first, Neil?'
3) William Shakespeare: 'Has anyone swan my pen?'
4) Wait Disney: What can I call this noise?'
5) Nessie: 'Why has everyone run away?'
6) Picasso: 'Where are my paints?'
Поставьте пожалуйста эти предложения как на первом примере.


Ответ дал: DianeS
Buzz Aldrin asked Neil Armstrong if he could go first.
William Shakespeate asked if anyone had swan his pen.
Walt Disney asked about how he could call that noise.
Nessie asked why everyone had run away.
Picasso asked about where his paints were.
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