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Ответ дал: Bellamies
Oliver Cromwell is one of the most important figures in English history. In the time in which he lived, great man was needed to lead the people of England in their fight for freedom. Cromwell turned out to be such a man. He was born at Huntington in the year 1599, and it was on a large farm that he grew up.
We don't know whether the future ruler of England was a good pupil, but there are many stories to show that he was much like other boys. Oliver's uncle, Sir Oliver Cromwell, was an important man. He was in fact so important in the country that on several occasions he was visited by the King, James I. On one of these visits the King was accompanied by his son Charles, and while Sir Oliver was talking to the King, the two boys, Oliver Cromwell and Prince Charles, were sent into the garden to play. the story says that the boys quarrelled and fought, and Oliver was the winner.
years later they were to fight again, each with an army at his back, and Cromwell was the winner again. 

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