. Translate the sentences into Russian. Mind the complex object. 1) We cannot believe him to have robbed the bank. 2) He hated her to wake him up every morning. 3) They reported the train to have arrived. 4) She wanted the house to be let as soon as possible. 5) Susan ordered the tea to be brought. 6) I would not allow my cottage to be sold. 7) I cannot make you obey. 8) She saw a little girl approach the house. 9) I am sorry. I did not notice you enter the room. 10) Let her say whatever she wants to.


Ответ дал: dzhga
1) Мы не можем поверить в то, что он ограбил банк.
2) Он ненавидит ее за то, что она будит его каждое утро.
3) Они сообщили о прибытии поезда.
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