Какие предложения написаны неправильно, а какие правильно?

1. Tom, which was a manager, now are homeless.
2. I wish I hadn't gone to the party yesterday.
3. If I were you, I would read more.
4. While my sister played computer games, I was help my parents.
5. You mustn't do your homework today. You don't go to school tomorrow.
6. We arrived at the station after the train had left.


Ответ дал: Karasso
1,2 неправильно
3,4,5,6 правильные
Вроде вот так
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1. Tom,WHO was a manager, now IS homeless.
2. I wish I hadn't gone to the party yesterday.
3. If I were you, I would read more.
4. While my sister WAS playING computer games, I WAS helpING my parents.
5. You mustn't do your homework today. You WON`T go to school tomorrow.
6. We arrived at the station after the train had left.
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