Complete with the present perfect or present perfect continuous

1. We ….. trees for a week now. (plant)

2. The children … the pond . (already /clean out)

3. She …. doing her homework. (already, finish)

4. My uncle …. To Save the Whales for a long time. (donate)

5. How long …. nesting boxes? (you, build)

6. My uncle …. To Save the Whales for a long time. (donate)

7. How long …. nesting boxes? (you, build)

8. He ……………… all day. (study)

9. __________________(she/ever/visit) the Haunted House?

10. ___________________(Rita/ever/be) to the Taj Mahal in India?

2. Fill in: collect, teach, soil, watering, toxic, recycle, plastic, factory 1. ….fumes 2. … waste 3. …rubbish 4. …cans 5. … pollution 6. … bag 7. … can 8. …the cycle of life


Ответ дал: Emili14
1 задание
1)We have been planting trees for a week.
2)They children have already cleaned out the pound
3)she has already finished doing her homework.
4)My uncle has been donating To safe Whales for a long time
5)How long have you been building nesting box.
6)совпадает с 4
7)совпадает с 5
8)He has been studying all day.
9)Has she ever visited the Haunted House.
10)Has Rita ever been to the Taj Mahal in India.
2 задание
collect rubbish
recycle cans
toxic waste
soil fumes
teach the cycle of life
factory pollution
plastic bag
watering can
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