2.Choose the correct item.(10 points) 1
1) There isn,t/ aren,t many/ much tea in the cup.
2)Is/ Are there a lot of /many flowers in that/ those vase?
3) There isn,t /arent many/much oranges in the bag.
4) Is/Are there a lot of/much butter in the fridge.
5) There is a lot of /much soup in the plate.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1) There isn`t much tea in the cup.
2) Are there many flowers in that vase?
3) There aren`t many oranges in the bag.
4) Is much butter in the fridge?
5) There is a lot of soup in the plate.

lanochkasvetlanochka: Благодарю!
Juliyasha11: рада помочь)
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