Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму (Present Simple/Present Continuous)
1. I ____________ (not/drink) coffee in the evening.
2. The children ____________ (wash) their hands five times a day.
3. __________ your sister _____________ (eat) soup at present?
4. My father _______________ (not/work) on Sundays.
5. Listen! A bird _________________ (sing).
6. I and my little brother ______________ (sit) on the grass now.
7. _________ Kevin ___________ (watch) TV every day?
8. Linda ____________ (buy) a new dress every week.
9.________ your grandparents ________________ (walk) at the park every weekend?
10. Leo and Lulu ____________________ (not/eat) pizza at the moment.


Ответ дал: duda04
don't drink    wash     is....eating     doesn't work       is singing      are sitting       does.......watch     buys       do..........walk        aren't eating
Ответ дал: Irina876
1) I dont drink
2 wash
3 is your sister eating
4 doesn't work
5 is birding
6 is sitting
7 does you watch
8 buys
9 Do your parents walk
10 aren't eating
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