Запишите предложения в косвенной речи по теме"согласование времен".
1.my aunt asked me:"have you already finished your exams?"
2.the teacher asked his pupils:"do you like the story?"
3.the passenger said:"what time does the plane arrive?"
4.grandmother said to Jack:"will you send a telegram tomorrow?"
5.my friend said:"can you borrow me you car?"
6."read this book", father said to his son."it will be interesting for you".
7."why have not they come yet?" Said Eva.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1.My aunt asked me if I had already finished my exams.
2.The teacher asked his pupils if they liked the story.
3.The passenger wondered what time the plane arrived.
4.Grandmother asked Jack if he would send a telegram the following day.
5. My friend asked me whether I could borrow him my car.
6. Father told his son to read that book and added that it would  be interesting for me.
7.  Eva asked me why I had not come yet. 
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