Fill in the missing words into the sentences.

E-mail ___________________ to be a very good means of communication.

We asked our teacher to ___________________ that rule to us.

BBC is a large __________________ corporation.

You can come to see him __________________ you want to.

There is a very interesting ____________________ about Japan in this newspaper.

I ____________________ that I was wrong about it.

I asked him to _____________________ us two tickets for the concert.

Don’t answer the phone, _____________calls.

whenever book whoever broadcasting have to confess prove article explain


Ответ дал: nunny
E-mail _ proves_ to be a very good means of communication.
We asked our teacher to __
explain__ that rule to us.
BBC is a large __
broadcasting__ corporation.
You can come to see him _
whenever __ you want to.
There is a very interesting __
article__ about Japan in this newspaper.
I _
have to confess__ that I was wrong about it.
I asked him to _
book __ us two tickets for the concert.
Don’t answer the phone, __
whoever __calls.
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