N10 Complet the sentences 1)the monkey's tail is ______ than the mouse's tail 2)the giraffe's neck is the _________ 3)the crocodile has got ___________ teeth 4)the hare 5)


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1) The monkey's tail is longer than the mouse's tail.
2) The giraffe's neck is the longest.
3) The crocodile has got the sharpest teeth .
4) The hare is smaller than the fox.
5) The dog is a brave/kind animal.
6) I think that the elephant is the biggest animal .

romashka009009: пожалуйста помогите еще 4)the hare ____________ than the fox 5)the dog is a ____________ animal 6)I think that the elephant is the _______________ animal
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