составте пожалуйста по английскому языку 4 задания на тему Present Simple tense- questions


Ответ дал: JaneSH
Вставьте to be вместо пропусков:
1.What ...you think?ответ ( do)
2.... boys and girls have school uniforms?(do)
3.... girls have a uniform too?(do)
4.... she study English ?(does)
5.What subjects ... he study at school?(does)
6.... Sara and Ben often go to the school library?(do).
Думаю, что помогла.Если что, обращайтесь в чат.
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1. Вставьте вспомогательный глагол do или does

      ... she live in Moscow or Volgograd?

      ... you play football well?

      ... Nina go to the cinema every week.


2. Составьте вопросы к предложениям

      We watch TV in the evenings.

      He likes swimming in summer.

      Sam is a student of our university.


3. Составьте специальные вопросы

     I think about going to Canada somewhen.

     My friends are in the garden with their parents.

     Nick speaks Russian very well.


4. Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме

     Does she always (to do) her homework.

     Does my mother usually (to cook) breakfast in the morning.

     Does it often (to rain) in our city in autumn




1. Вставьте вспомогательный глагол do или does

      Does  she live in Moscow or Volgograd?

      Do you play football well?

      Nina doesn't go to the cinema every week.


2. Составьте вопросы к предложениям

      Do we watch TV in the evenings?

      Does he like swimming in summer?

      Is Sam a student of our university?


3. Составьте специальные вопросы

     Who thinks about going to Canada somewhen?

     Where are  my friends with their parents?

     How does Nick  speak Russian?


4. Вставьте глаголы в нужной форме

     Does she always do her homework?

     Does my mother usually cook breakfast in the morning?

     Does it often rain in our city in autumn?

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