переведите текст употребив глаголы данные в скобках , в Present Indefinite (simple) Tense.

1) Ralph and Keiko Miller (to live) in Los Angeles.
2) Ralph Miller (to be) a dentist.
3) He (to have) an office downtown.
4) He (to be) very busy every day.
5) The Millers (to eat) breakfast at seven usually.
6) Dr Miller (to go) to his office at eight.
7) Mrs Miller (not to go) to work.
8) She (to stay) at home.
9) She (to be) a housewife
10) She (to go) shopping and (to do) the housework
11) Dr Millers (to come) at haif past six
12) The Millers (to have) dinner at seven.
13) After dinner Mrs Miller (to watch) television as a rule, but her husband (not to like) television.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 live
2 is
3 has
4 is
5 eat
6 goes
7 doesn't go
8 stays
9 is
10 goes, does
11 comes
12 have
13 watches, doesn't like
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