Ответь на вопросы:
1) What are you going to be?
2) Whet professions are typical for women?
3) Your father works at the library, doesn t he?

Выберите правильную форму глаголаto have (have, has, hab):
1) My sister ... got three dogs.
2) We ... English three times a week.
3) Yesterday I ... 5 lessons.

Подбери соответствующую прошедшему времени форму глагола:
1) be
2) meet
3) drink
4) take
5) have
a) went
b) was/were
c) bought
d) drank
e) ate
f) met
g) did
h) had
i) left
j) took


Ответ дал: lesia3bich
2) the meneger, , actress, baker, barber, hairstylist, cook, dentist, murse, pharmacist, secretary, seleswoman, singer, waitress.
3) my father don't works the library, he is builder.

1) has
2) have
3) had

1) was, were
2) met
3) drank
4) took
5) had
a) go
b) be
c) drink
e) eat
f) meet
g) do
h) have
j) take
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