Из Directed Speech в Reported Speech
1 "Dont wait for me if i'm late" Ann said
2 "Come home before 6 o'clock, please" i said to him
3 "Go home!" said my father
4 "We have classes twica a week" said the boy
5 "The water in the river is dirty!" said the ecologist
6 "Do you travel there every summer?" asked the guide
7 "Can you speak italian?" wondered the woman
8 "Have you paid for your tickets, sir?" asked the conductor
9 "Did you finish your homework?" my little brother asked me
10 "Does your friend count well?" asked Mike


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 Ann said not to wait for her if she was late.
2 I asked him to come home before 6 o'clock.
3 My father said to go home.
4 The boy said that they had classes twice a week.
5 The ecologist said that the water in the river was dirty.
6 The guide wondered if I travelled there every summer.
7 The woman wondered if I could speak Italian.
8 The conductor asked him if he had paid for his tickets.
9 My little brother asked me if I had finished my homework.
10 Mike wondered if my friend counted well.
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