1. He asks what.... a) she likes; b) did she like; с) does she like;
2. neither Sam nor his friends....there. a) never go; b) don't go; c) go;
3. Tom asked...rain the next day. a) if it will; b) if it would; c) will it;
4. ..... of you can speak English? a) who; b) which; c)what;
5. Helen likes neithervtea ..... coffee. a) nor; b) or; c) and;


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1. He asks what.... a) she likes
2. Neither Sam nor his friends....there.  c) go;
3. Tom asked...rain the next day.  b) if it would; 
4. ..... of you can speak English? a) who; 
5. Helen likes neither tea ..... coffee. a) nor; 
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