Put each verb brackets info a suitable tense and from.
Ice (to melt) in a warm climate.
I (to hear) sarah (to get) married on Saturdays.
Joanna Rowling (to write) a new Harry Potter book?
Lorna always (to show) off!
I (to forget)where he lives.
If he (to apologise) for being late.I *to forgive) him
Ask her when she(to return) the books to the library
When we (to arrive) at the hotel there (to be) no rooms available.
While Jenny (to clean) the floors her little sister (to play) the piano.


Ответ дал: Vardges1
1. Melts
2. Heard...got
3. Did Joanna Rowling wrote a new book (wrote)
4. Shows
5. Forgot
6. Apologizes...forgive
7. Will return
8. Arrive...will be
9. Was cleaning...was playingk

Vardges1: (Без k в конце)
adidas47581: спасибо а с следующим поможешь?
Vardges1: Кидай, если успею
adidas47581: https://znanija.com/task/23680160
adidas47581: Спасибо,заранее
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