1. The teacher said: “You will read this book in the 9-th form”.
2. The woman said: “I buy this hat today”.
3. Jane said: “We went to Spain last summer ”.
4. I said: “Do they come today?”
5. Oleg said: “Have you translated the poem?”
6. He said: “Did they buy the magazine yesterday?”
7. Pete said: “When will you be back home?”
8. Ann said: “How can I get to the station?”
9. She said: “What are you reading?”
Переведите в косвенную речь.

mami25366: проверьте 2е предложение. I buy today неправильно звучит
01101001: Я уже заметил, помоги с 6-9


Ответ дал: mami25366
He asked whether they had bought the magazine the day before
Pete asked when she (или he) would be back home
Ann asked how she could get to the station
She asked what she (или he) was reading
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