Составить отриц и вопросит формы предложения
My grandmother has got two cats.
He has got many pets at home.
They have got a nice house abroad.


Ответ дал: Lisa13mur
1) Вопр. - How many cats has my grandmother got? Отриц. - My grandmother hasn't got cats.
2) Вопр. - Has he got pets at home? Отриц. - He hasn't got many pets at home.
3) Вопр. - Have they got a house abroad? Отриц. - They haven't got a nice house abroad.

Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
My grandmother hasn't got two cats.
He hasn't got many pets at home.
They haven't got a nice house abroad.
Has my grandmother got two cats?
Has he got many pets at home?
Have they got a nice house abroad?
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