преобразовать предложения в страдательный залог

the chef has made dinner

miss Gates will look after the baby

someone left the purse on the table

he is using the computer at the moment

you can do this work easily

some people write letters every day


Ответ дал: sun4life
Dinner has been made by the chef.
The baby will be looked after by miss Gates.
The purse was left by someone on the table.
The computer is being used by him at the moment.
This work can easily be done by you.
Letters are written by some people every day.
Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
Dinner has been made by the chef.
The baby will be looked after by miss Gates.
The purse was left by someone on the table.
The computer is being used by him at the moment.
This work can be easily done by you.
Letters are written by some people every day.
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