ответы на задания 21 - 25 записывай одним словом по-английски. Вставь пропущенные слова в текст:Last year I went 21. (2 letters) _ London for my holiday. I stayed with my aunt and 22 (5 letters) _ and two cousins. My cousins from England are good fun and I always enjoy staying there. My mom 23 ( 3 letters) _ dad stayed at home with my baby sister. I went to Picadilly Circus with my cousins. We liked shopping. One day my cousins wanted to buy some new clothes and CDs and I wanted to buy a present for my baby sister. I saw a wonderful toy shop and I went in and 24. (6 letters) _ a rabbit for 25.(3 letters) ___.

pekay: Ничего не понял, честно.
paternoster: 21 to


Ответ дал: paternoster
21. to 
22. uncle
23. and
24. bought
25. her

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