Помогите с английским!
complete the sentences with the correct household nous
1. your clothes are ditry. Put them in the...
2. Do you do your homework at your...
3.My parents make us eat all our meals sitting at the...
4.my dad`s a chef. He spends a lot of his time stading be a...
5.The milk`s in the...
6. Let`s buy this... It matches our sofa.
7. I hate doing the washing up! Can`t we buy a ...?
8. You`ll find the dictinaries on the top...
Помогите пожалуйста!


Ответ дал: VictoriaAngl
1. washing machine.
2. desk.
3. dinning table.
4. by a hob.
5. fridge.
6. armchair.
7. dishwasher.
8. shelf. 

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