Заполните пропуски предлогами

1) Istudythecollege. It is rather far … my house and I go there … bus. I have classes … 15.00. … leaving the college I have a large amount … time I go shopping together … my brother. My brother is a pupil, he goes … school. His school is … our house. … shopping we do our homework. Thentheevening, wewatchTV, listenradio.


 и почему???


Ответ дал: Nastya987

In, from, by, until(до), after, of, with, to, near (?), after(?), in, to


Употребление некоторых предлогов нужно просто запомнить(например, go to school, by bas/taxi/car/train, at home/work/the bus-stop, on the floor/foot/holiday, listen to music)


Некоторые предлоги употребляются просто по смыслу.

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