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С. Close the correct answer.

1. You dance ... .
a) beautiful
b) good
c) well

2. I always carry lots of water with me so I don't get ... .
a) dry
b) thirsty
c) hungry

3. Sorry, I can't talk at the moment. Can I ... in half an hour?
a) leave a message
b) take a message
c) phone you back

4. ... that for you?
a) Let me carry
b) Shall I carry
c) I'll carry

5. He jumped out of ... .
a) a helicopter
b) a bridge
c) an elephant

6. My ... hurts.
a) shoulder
b) fly
c) temperature

7. He drove ... through the city.
a) fastly
b) slow
c) fast

8. We ... get married.
a) going to
b) 're going to
c) 're going

9. Have you ever ... in a thermal spa?
a) swim
b) swam
c) swum

10. Jane ... to Germany
a) never has been
b) was never
c) has never been


Ответ дал: sun4life
1 c
2 b
3 c
4 b
5 a
6 a
7 c
8 b
9 c
10 c

BaVVVrIaN: Спасибо)
Аноним: https://znanija.com/task/23795664
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