II. Действительный залог/ Страдательный залог Windsor (21)… (to lie) twenty-one miles from London. If you (22)…(to go) there by train, it (23)…(to take) you an hour. Windsor (24)…(to be) famous for its ancient castle and beautiful countryside. For 800 years Windsor Castle (25)…(to be) the residence of the British Royal Family. The Castle (26)…(to start) by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. The surrounding countryside (27)…(to change) little since the time when Chaucer (28)…(to stand) there looking at the country beneath. The most important feature of the Castle (29)…(to be) the Round Tower which can (30)…(to see) from far away.


Ответ дал: Аноним

21 lies

22 go

23 will take

24 is

25 was

26 was started

27 has changed

28 stood

29 is

30 be seen

Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

Windsor (21) lies twenty-one miles from London.

If you (22) go there by train, it (23) will take you an hour.

Windsor (24) is famous for its ancient castle and beautiful countryside.

For 800 years Windsor Castle (25) has been the residence of the British Royal Family.

The Castle (26) was started by William the Conqueror in the 11th century.

The surrounding countryside (27) changed (или had changed)  little since the time when Chaucer (28) stood there looking at the country beneath.

The most important feature of the Castle (29) is the Round Tower which can (30) be seen from far away.

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