Complete the table for the verb to sing - петь (Заполни таблицу) - мне учитель сказал просклонять и дал пример - Present Simple - I sing, Present Continious - I am singing
Present Simple - You - ??? Present Continious - You ???, Present Simple - He ???. Present Continious - He ???, Present Simple - She??? , Present Continious - She ???, Present Simple - It ???, Present Simple - It ???, Present Continious - It ???, Present Simple - We ???,
Present Continious - We ???, Present Simple - You ???, Present Continious - You ???, Present Simple - They ???, Present Simple - They ???.

Аноним: странно что два You


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
Present simple - you sing
Present continuous you are singing
Present simple he sings
Present continuous he is singing
Present simple she sings
Present continuous she is singing
Present simple it sings
Present continuous it is singing
Present continuous we are singing
Present simple you sing
Present continuous you singing
Present simple they sing
Present simple they sing

Аноним: Present simple they sing ??? Present continuous we are singing ??? где Present continuous ???
Present simple they sing ???
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