Exercise №6: Say (write) what you think about these activities.
Sample: Organising a charity fair is a good idea. Our school has raised money to give the financial support for the old in Shuvelan.
The PTAs* in most schools do all possible to help the Children Homes in Baku. Helping those who are in need is necessary.
*PTA - Parent-Teacher Association


Ответ дал: galina572319
To my mind organizing a charity action is a good idea. Its a good example for pupils to see that the more people are involved in charity the more people in need get some help. We can give not only money or things but we can give our time in order to do something. I think it is important too.The pupils from our school are always involved to charity projects .We volunteer at the local kindergarten and organize parties for kids, clean the local park or the city beach on the nearest lake. We also organize charity fairs at our school to raise money. Our parents contribute too. They help us make things for the fairs and donate money. We are always looking forward to making a difference. We collected things for refugees from Ukraine. Parents and teachers of many schools took part in this action.
Helping those who are in need is  necessary!  I believe PTA is a great Association.

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