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Jane has met Terry in the street.

J: Hi, there_______________________________________________

T: Fine, thanks.

J: ______________________________________________________

Т То the post-office. I want to send a parcel to my parents.

J: _------------------------------------------------------------------------------

T: No, they live in the States.


T: I have studied at this University for two years already.

J: ______-----------------------------------------------------------------------

T: I'll stay in London for the summer holiday. I won't go back to the States.


Ответ дал: destrarawr

Hi, there how are you? 


Where are you going? 


They live here?




Where will you stay for the summer holidays?

Ответ дал: kiskam

J: Hi, there How are you?


T: Fine, thanks.


J: Where are you going?


Т То the post-office. I want to send a parcel to my parents.


J: Are they living in London?


T: No, they live in the States.


J: Where are you going to study?


T: I have studied at this University for two years already.


J: What your plans for the summer?


T: I'll stay in London for the summer holiday. I won't go back to the States.

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