Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужно ! Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме present Perfect или в Past Simple. переведите на русский язык. 1. We just (to come) home but our children (to come) home an hour ago. 2. Ialready (to come) from school. Now I am having dinner. 3. You (to write) letter to your friend today? 4. You (to send) him a telegram last week? 5. She never (to drive) a car before.6. He (to read) the text and now he can retell it. 7. Jane (not to be) at the cinema this week 8. Don't you know who (to open) the door? 9. Five years ago he (to be) a typist. 10. when he (to see) you? He (to see) me this week. 11. It's the best thing he ever (to make). 12. Where I (to put) my beg? I can't find it. 13. We (to see) her twice today. 14. I (to receive) telegram from friend. I am happy. just a my 15. When they (to move) to a new flat? They (to move) there last month. 16. Somebody (to telephone) me? Your mother (to tele- phone) you three times this morning. 17. They (to live) in France in 1970. 18. When it (to stop) raining? It (to stop) raining two hours ago 19. The wind (to stop) blowing and the weather is getting Warmer. 20. He (to stop) smoking some years ago.


Ответ дал: shakhggggggg
1) have come, came
2) have already come
3) Did you write
4) Did you send
5) have never droven
6) read
7) haven't been
8) opened
9) have been
10) did he see , saw
11) have ever made
12) did I put
13) saw
14) recieved 15) did they move , moved 16) did somebody phone
17) lived 18) did it stop, stopped
19) have stopped 20) stopped
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