Переведите на английский, пожалуйста:
1) это пятая книга, которую мне подарили на день рождения
2) мне было трудно обьяснить это ему
3) решение этой проблемы будет зависеть от вас
4) не пойму, почему он такой грустный. Обычно он очень жизнерадостный
5) лифт не работает уже 2 дня. Вечно он ломается!


Ответ дал: olyashin
1) is the fifth book I got for his birthday 
2) it was difficult for me to explain it to him 
3) solution to this problem will depend on you 
4) don't understand why he is so sad. Usually he is very cheerful 
5) Elevator doesn't work 2 days already. Forever he breaks

karinademina8: 1.This is the fifth book thet I got for my birthday
2.It was hard for me to explain it to him
3.The solution to this problem will depend on you
4.I do not understand why we was so sad.Нe is usually very cheerful
5.The elevator not working for two days.He always breaks down
Ответ дал: karinademina8
1.This is the fifth book thet I got for my birthday
2.It was hard for me to explain it to him
3.The solution to this problem will depend on you
4.I do not understand why we was so sad.Нe is usually very cheerful
5.The  elevator not working for two days.He always breaks down
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