Choose the correct item
1) Coffee ... in the morning by many people. a) are drunk. b) are drinking. c) did drink
2) English ... at our school. a) are taught. b) is taught. c) teach
3) Many flowers ... by my granny last spring. a) were plant. b) were planted. c) plant.
4) What ... this dress ... of? a) did make. b) is make. c) is made.
5) This film ... on TV tomorrow. a) will show. b) will be shown. c) will shoved
Заранее спасибо!

GreyBoar: в 1 ошибка проверьте -- нет правильного варианта
GreyBoar: и в 3 нет: остальные ок


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1) a, только не are, a is, опечатка, наверное
2 b
3 b
4 c
5 b

GreyBoar: все так и есть, а 3 я не заметил, поздно было(
parljukljuba: Ничего страшного)
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