greet — salute — welcome
"greet" — say " Hello" or make a gesture with the same meaning. "welcome " — show that you're glad to see smb, especially when people arrive. "salute " — make a formal sign of respect.

1. A large uniformed police sergeant recognized him and at once ... . 2. She went down the steps ... Harry with a kiss on both cheeks. 3. As the king arrived he ... at the door by the prince. 4. "Yes, sir," said Pitman, giving the major an exemplary ... .5. The guests ... on arrival by the crowds of people. 6. "... to Peking," the sign said.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 saluted
2 to greet
3 was greeted
4 salute
5 were greeted
6 welcome
Вас заинтересует