Дайте краткий ответ
1) Is Bob from Afrika?- No,
2) Is your father in the office?, - No,
3) Is the man an economist?- No,
4) Is Mr Brown a teacher?- No,
5) Is Mrs Brown a dancer?- No,
6) Has Tom got a sister? - No,


Ответ дал: Дильчик1
No, he is from Alaska.
No, he is at home.
No, he is a manager.
No, he is a dentist.
No, she is an engineer.
No, he's got a brother.
Ответ дал: dasha8937500330
1)No,he isn't
2)No,he isn't
3)No,he isn't
4)No,he isn't
5)No,she isn't
6)No,he has't
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