1. Complete these sentences. Use the first conditional.
1. If I ……………… (go back) to the shop on Saturday, I …………………(take) the printer with me.
2. I ………………………(not go) to the party if you …………………..(not come)
3. If everyone…………………. (help) we ………………….(finish) more quickly.
4. If the phone ………………… (ring) I ……………………(not answer) it.
5. ………………………. (you pay) for the coffee if I ………………..(buy) the cakes?
6. Pete …………………… (come) to the cinema if he ………………..(can) choose the film.
7. If we ………………. (not hurry) we …………………(miss) the first part of the film.
8. If we ……………… (tell) them the truth, they …………………..(not believe) us.
2. Complete these sentences with the second conditional.
1. If the weather ……………… (be) better, we ………………….(go) to the beach, but today it’s very cloudy.
2. Harry ……………….. (come) if you …………………(ask) him.
3. If it …………………… (snow) in summer, we …………………(ski) in August.
4. If I …………………… (have) money, I ……………………(travel) more.
5. Bella ………………….. (be) happier if she …………………(have) a better job.
6. The boys ………………… (agree) if you …………………..(ask) them.
7. I …………………. (not say) that to Ann if I ……………………(be) you.
8. What …………………… (you do) if you ………………….(find) a lot of money?
3. Complete these sentences with the third conditional.
1. If you ……………………. (not watch) that horror film, you ……………….(not be) so scared!.
2. I ……………………….. (tell) you about the party if you …………………..(ask) me.
3. The club …………………… (be) more popular if it …………………(be) in the city centre.
4. If you …………………… (come) with us, you …………………..(have) a good time.
5. You …………………… (meet) her if you …………………(leave) so early.
6. If they …………………… (show) me the tickets, I ………………….(not believe) that they were going to Mexico.
7. I ……………………. (go) to see him if I ………………(have) time.
8. They …………………. (not miss) the last bus if they …………………..(leave) earlier


Ответ дал: Дариночkа
1.1)go back, will take
2)won't go, don't come
3)help, will finish
4)rings, won't answer
5)will you pay, buy
6)will come, can
7)don't hurry, will miss
8)tell, won't beleive
2.1)was, would go
2)would cone, asked
3)snowed, would ski
4)had, would travel
5)would be, had
6)would agree, asked
7)wouldn't say, was
8)would you do, found
3.1)hadn't watched, would have been
2)would have told, had asked
3)would have been, had been
4)had come, would have had
5)would have met, had left
6)had shown, wouldn't have beleived
7)would have gone, had had
8)wouldn't have missed, had left
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