Упражнение 3 (для начинающих). Раскройте скобки, чтобы получить Present Perfect или Past Simple в вопросительной форме.
1 … you … (hear) this song before?
2 … you … (hear) this song yesterday?
3 … they … (go) to school since the first form?
4 … they … (go) to school yesterday?
5 … he … ( ride) a horse last week?
6 … he … (never/ ride) a balloon?
7 … she … (just/say) that?
8 … she … (say) that a minute ago?
9… you … (draw) a picture at the last lesson?
10 … you … (never/ draw) a picture before?
11 … they…. (already/ have) breakfast?
12 … they … ( have) breakfast a hour ago?


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 Have you heard this song before?
2 Did you hear this song yesterday?
3 Have they gone to school since the first form?
4 Did they go to school yesterday?
5 Did he ride a horse last week?
6 Has he never ridden a balloon?
7 Has she just said that?
8 Did she say that a minute ago?
9 Did you draw a picture at the last lesson?
10 Have you never drawn a picture before?
11 Have they had breakfast yet?
12 Did they have breakfast a hour ago?
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