Пожалуйста, помогите задать 6 вопросов к каждому тексту номер 11, желательно разные вопросы,


Аноним: где куда смотреть то?
федюша: мне на дает вставить фото YuUa, та как пишит ответ
Аноним: терь вставляй


Ответ дал: ВикаМ17
Первый текст:
What is the topic of films?
(Magic and adventures)
When was born Walt Disney?
(In 1901)
Why Walt wasn't a good student ?
(Because he always found things that interested him more than school such )
Was family of Walt rich?
Where Walt spent a lot of time ?
(On the farm)
Disney's cartoons and films are full of what ?
(Of adventures and fun)
Второй текст :
When was born Mather Teresa ?
( In 1910)
When Agnes left her family ?
(In 1928)
When she and her pupils set up Missionaries of Charity?
(In 1948)
What new name choose Agnes?
What was the second lesson in life from her mother?
(When life is difficult you must try, try and try again)
How worked Teresa ?
(She worked hard)
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