Choose the correct answers.

The USA (1) ... a multicultular society . (2) ... the 16th century , people (3) ... there from all over the world . Today (4) ... famous Americans (5) ... immigrants , inculding the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the singer Gloria Estefan . The great scientist Albert Einstein also (6) ... an American citizen after leaving Germany . If the USA (7) ... so many immigrants , life there (8) ... so interesting !

1 a) definitely is b) is definitely
2 a) Since b) For
3 a) were moving b) have moved
4 a) lot of b) a lot of
5 a) are b) were
6 a) was becoming b) became
7 a) did not have b) will not have
8 a) were not b) would not be


Ответ дал: Привітики
1b 2a 3b 4b 5a 6b 7b 8b

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