форму глагола to be ( am,is,are) в настоящем времени (Present Simple). 1.He _________my best friend
2.They______ at control Work in their classroom.
3.I_______a good pupil
4 She____ in museum now.
5. This country__ small.
6. She ___ from Great Britain.
7. His wife ___ an actress.
8. You __ lazy student
9. Tom __thin
10. We __ at school now.
11. This book __ interesting.
12. My sister ___ ateacher.
13. We __ at the meeting now.
14. This coat __ new.
15. He __ a swimmer.
16. My father ____ a mechanic.
17. She __ polite student.
18. My grandmother __ clever.
19. We ___ in Boston now.
20. l____ at the technical school now.
21. She _____ a talented singer.
22. They _____ from New York.
23. You _______ very beautiful.
24. His sister ___ a doctor.
25.We___ in hospital now.
26. I___ a painter.
27. This cat ___ veru fat .
28. My nephew___ a worker.
29.She ____ my classmate.
30.Ben ___ a student.


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