Ребят помогите пожалуйста с заданием.сделайте правильном и ваш ответ будет лучшим. Complete the conversation.Then take roles and act out. Tina: Can I ask you some questions? Mikhail: 1)Yes,of course. Tina: 1) Do I have to have a visa to travel to Russia? Mikhail: Yes,you 2).................................... . Tina: 3).......................take some warm clothes with me? Mikhail: Oh,yes.It s still cold in the evenings. Tina: 4)........................speak Russian? Mikhail: No,you 5)............................... . A lot of Russian people speak English.They can help you. Tina: One more thing. 6)..................stay at a hotel? Mikhail: No,you 7)............................. You can stay with a family. Tina: Thank you for your help. Mikhail: You re welcome.

Plyxa2s2vertyxi8: ну помогите это срочно пж


Ответ дал: drozhmary
2) are
3) can you
4)can you
6)am i
Вот и все дела

Plyxa2s2vertyxi8: спасибо большое
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