Переведите на английский язык, употребляя Passive Infinitive после модальных глаголов:



Ответ дал: ZEBSIK
1. Hands have to be washed before every meal.2. Cat has to be fed by fish.3. Dog can be fed by meat and vegetables.4 .Child has to be given fruits. 5 
Boo How can this word be transelated? 6This brautiful picture can be hung over the fireplace. 

ZEBSIK: 8How can this word be transelated?
ZEBSIK: тоесть 7
ZEBSIK: 8 Where can the bags be put?
ZEBSIK: 9 What have to it be paid attention?
ZEBSIK: 10 Your number phone has to be written down
ZEBSIK: 11 He has to be invited to my birthday
ZEBSIK: 12 New job can be proposed for her
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